Tawas Township
27 McArdle Rd, Tawas City, MI 48763
Beginning March 4, 2024, garbage​ pickup will be on Mondays.
Township Regular Board Meetings:
Our Regular Board Meetings take place at 6pm on the Second Monday of the Month, unless posted otherwise.
Election Reminder:
Voting will be held at the Tawas Township Hall,
27 S. McArdle, Tawas City, MI 48763 - November 5, 2024 7am- 8pm.
Early Voting - Election Guidance:
Please CLICK HERE for information on early voting.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Tawas Twp Master Plan & Zoning Ordinance Amendments
The Tawas Twp Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing to adopt their proposed Master Plan and recommend zoning amendments to the Township Board on November 1, 2019 at 6pm at the Tawas Township Hall (27 McArdle Rd, Tawas City, 48763). The Master Plan and full text of the Zoning Amendments can be viewed below. Please submit any written comments to the above address. The public may appear at the public hearing in person or by counsel. The proposed zoning amendment modifies the Tawas Twp Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Section 2.2 (Definitions) to add/amend definitions for adult foster care, small cell wireless facilities, shipping containers, and sexually-oriented businesses.
Section 4.8 (Accessory Structures) to allow for and provide regulations for shipping containers used as accessory buildings.
Section 6.1 (Table of Permitted and Special Land Uses) to add the following: Adult foster care family homes, adult day care facilities, small group (in private home), adult day care facilities (not in private home) and adult foster care (small group, large group and congregate facilities); small cell wireless facilities; and solar energy facilities.
Article 12 (Supplemental Development Regulations) to amend regulations pertaining to medical marijuana primary caregiver facilities (not commercial facilities) and to add regulations pertaining to solar energy facilities and small cell wireless facilities.
At the regular Tawas Township Meeting held on 11/12/18 at 6pm, the Board unanimously voted to establish the Special Assessment District and Tax Roll for the Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish with the initial contract set for a period of two years. The Assessment will be added to the 2019 Winter Tax bill and the collection of garbage/rubbish will be effective 1/1/2020. This will give our residents time to run out their current contracts and pro-rate through the end of 2019. Ninety gallon containers will be provided by Sunrise Disposal and the collection day will be Wednesday. One bulk item is allowed per month. Please note that hazardous items and those containing Freon are not accepted. Recycling is not a part of this contract but there is a county wide committee that has been established to address this issue.
Click here to view our latest newsletter to catch up on news and events happening in Tawas Township!
Meeting will take place at the Tawas Township Hall on the first Thursday of February, May, August and November at 6pm.
Looking for property assessment information? Click on the link below: twp-assessor.com