Tawas Township
27 McArdle Rd, Tawas City, MI 48763
GFL Environmental Services
To contact your customer support team, visit gflenv.com/support and enter your address to send a message to your local branch.
Beginning March 4, 2024, Pickup Day is MONDAY
Correct placement of your container for curbside trash, recycling and organic waste collection is easy, but it’s also important to ensure your services are handled properly and safely.
We don’t want to miss your collection, but we can’t pick up your trash if it isn’t by the curb when our truck gets there on your service day. This guide on container placement will ensure you’re prepared:
Place your trash can and recycling bin at the curb with the wheels facing your house and the lid opening into the street.
Keep your garbage cans four feet apart and at least four feet or more from any obstacles such as mailboxes, cars, lamp posts, or power lines.
Keep your container at the curb until the end of the day if it hasn’t been collected. Sometimes the timing of our arrival changes, and we don’t want to miss you if we come later than expected.
It’s generally best to put your container out the night before your collection day. That way even if we’re early, you won’t miss your pick-up.